Sunday, July 21, 2019

Final presentation

    At this presentations, we prepared about various themes.

②My friends presentation

      Arisa's presentation
      She talked about French. First is that why did she have a interest in French. She had an opportunity which her life change. It is meeting exchange student from France when she was a high school students. She often listened a lot of experiences of her homestay. At first, she had thought she go to other course of this university, but she decide to entre this English course because she has been thinking that she want to learn foreigh culture more. Next, she taught us some French and culture. In Franch national song means respecting soldiers, and relationship men and wemen.

      Mana's presentation
      She talked about people who respect. Her future goal is becaming her parents. It's because she can't grow up without them. Now, She lives in Kumamoto alone, so she understood houseworks are so hard. Next is her friends. She always think I want to be like them. The friend is from high school student, and she is very intelligent because she is a hard woker. Then she introduced Thomas Edion's words. It is "Genius is 1percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

      Reina's presentation
       She talkesd about fasion and makeup. We are inflienced about fasion from some SNS like  Instagram. She thinks we can express ourselves by fashion and make-up. Especially, color is most important. These days, gender less fashion insrease. it's because the people of LGBT increase. Now, Ryuutheru and Kemio are infliencer of it. At last she said "Prices is no relationship to inprove our motivation.

       Kakeru's presentation
      He talked about High Tech Toys. I didn't know this meaning when ai heard this words. Toy means things to play for children, However they are used as tools now. For exemple, smartphone and video games. That advantages are "we can access the Internet easily" and "We can connect with online friends anytime and anywhere." On the other hand, There are disadvantege. They are " devote many time them" and physical and mental problem. There are some solution about them, so we have to think sbout solutions which much well.

       Taisei's presentation
       He tallked about "can war make peace". 1, Why do war break out? First is food and resauces. They are essencial for us to live. Second is dissatisfaction with Govermant. Third is conflict between tribes or religion. Forth is conflict with Hegemonic National like World war two. 2. can war make peace. Taisei think no because war give paece only domiination nd obedience, war finishes someday but it takes so ling time to revive and many lives lost.

③My presentation
     I talked about body art. I introduced tattoo and pierce. Pierce is making holes on earlobes, nose and navel, and so on.  Some Japanese have bad image like a person who pierced is bad people. I can't understand that oiercing is bad, piercing is dirty. Next is tttoo. it is drawing pictures on skin by shaving off skin thiny. We have to make up your mind because you can't erase them. And, we maybe limited to job when you have job-hunting in Japan. Almost 50 percents hot springs show a picture. It says " People have tattoo can't soak bath." It's because a lot of Japanese have images such tattoo equal bad people. In edo perod, utter villais was shaved tattoo as proof of guilt. So Jaoanese people inherit that image strong-rooted even now. However next year have Tokyo Olympic. This is a good opportunity which foreign people know geat Japanese tourist spots. I thought if things remain as they are, Japan caused ill feelings among. Of course, it's important to treasure Japanese history, but now, body art like pierce and tattoo is one of fashion. We should change that image. I hope everyone can enjoy body art without unnecessary worrries in Japan.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Fifith Presentation

     My strenghs and weekness
     My goals in my future

②My friends' presentation
     Kenta's presentation
     He told us his stranghs and his weekness. He have two strenghs, mind and phisical. I was impressed his thought of his weekness. His weekness is that he is lenient with himself. For example, when he do his homeworks, he give in to the temptation to watch TV programs and play games. I always do so. Then he writes down the thing which he would regret. I think this idea is great! I try to do this.
     Satoru's presentation
     He also told us his strenghs and his weekness. His strengh is getting nervous early. For instance, before taking some exam and speech or presentation in front of aome audiences. However he has reduced the weekness. On the other hand, his strengh is heving his pace and when he was a high school student, he had cleaned some floors, bathrooms, gym, and so on.
     Nanako's prsentation
     She also told us her strenghs and weekness. First strengh is positive. Second strengh is acting immediently what she want to do. It is most important for us about her first strengh. If I always think negative think, I can't go ahead. Her weekness are "She can't tell her opinion well." and "Doing a lot of thing at once. I'm sure that a lot of people think so about firrst weekness.  I also think so until a few years ago. But, I changed my mind, "It is not bad to be hated by other people." I am sure that true friends trust you, so she has to treasure such friends.
     Saki's presentation
     She told us her goels for the future.  First is going to a lot of foreign countries. She interested in cross cultual communication and she wants to improve her English skills. The country where she want to go until she die is Greece because she was impressed in many pictures of Greece. Second is taking her gandparent to a trip. She was cared by them for a few term when she was a child. So, she want to repay the favor of them.

③My presentation
     I introcuced my strenghs and my weekness. Actually, I didn't know about it, so I asked to my mother. My personality is hasty, worriner and not hesitate. These become my strengh and even my weekness. It means  that my strenghs have aspects of weekness. And I told about Emiri Aizawa. I respect her life. She was a hostess, now she is a president of cloth and beauty salon's company. She say, "Why do you compare to other people? You have to compare to yourself of yesterday." I was impressed this her words.